Our Services

Blister Packaging

Medication management made easy! Come speak to our pharmacy team about No extra charge blister packaging. 


Diabetes Management

Get your blood sugar numbers to target. Speak to our pharmacy team today about diabetes medication and treatment.

Home Health Care

There are many products that can help you keep your balance and maintain your independence while reducing the risk of a fall.  Visit us to learn more about how to choose the right products and how to use them properly.

Blood pressure management

Did you know? Nine out of ten Canadians will experience high blood pressure at some point in their lives, but only 65% of them will be able to control their disease properly with treatment.

Discover the advantages and techniques of taking your blood pressure at home as well as tips for choosing the right blood pressure monitor in this article: https://www.remedys.ca/en/article/hypertension-and-self-monitoring

Travel Health

Preparation is crucial for peace of mind when travelling. This checklist will help you make sure you have everything you need for a healthy and fabulous vacation! https://www.remedys.ca/en/article/travel-health-preparation-checklist

Injection & Vaccination

Should I get a flu shot?  That is the question many Canadians ask themselves as flu season approaches. Here are a few reasons why you should consider getting a flu shot this year: https://www.remedys.ca/en/article/4-reasons-to-get-your-flu-shot.

Save time with our Mobile APP.

Skip the line every time by ordering your prescription fills and refills on our diem® health app!

Download the app:

Google Play 👉 http://bit.ly/2PM9HUU

App Store 👉 https://apple.co/2zLaT0o

If you are on a computer, you can register here: https://app.diemhealth.ca/

Easy Prescription Transfers

Transferring your prescriptions is easy! Come speak to our pharmacy team to find out how.

Smoking Cessation

Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest challenges for a smoker but doing so has tremendous health benefits. Ask our pharmacy team for advice.

Free Prescription Delivery

Free Prescription Delivery for Strathmore, Carselands, Speargrass, Rockyford & Standard

Please call the store for more details.

Senior’s Day

Every Thursday is Senior’s Day! Enjoy 20% off on non-prescription items!